Gingivitis is an early-stage periodontitis which, if taken care of properly, can be treated without any major intervention. However, to identify this problem and prevent gingivitis, you need to know what gingivitis symptoms are and what causes it. Only then can you ensure effective gingivitis treatment. In this article, we are sharing with you all the information you need regarding gingivitis so that you can get in touch with a good dentist like Laser Dentistry Near Me for an effective gum disease cure.
Demographics of People Contracting Different Types of Gum Disease
Demographic data for gingivitis shows a significant percentage of those people following under three major population segments. Gingivitis and periodontitis can be found most in the following groups:
– Men, and this is something that has continued to stump researchers. The percentage of men is overwhelmingly high among patients, and it could be because anything ranging from hormonal issues to the fact that men visit dentists much less than women.
– People living below the poverty line are at a much higher risk of catching gingivitis and even periodontal disease. This is also tied with the level of education they achieve, usually below high school.
– Smoking is also a significant factor in developing gingivitis, the explanation being the body’s weakened immune response to infections.
Causes of Gingivitis and Periodontitis
We all have bacteria in our mouths and most of it is supposed to be good for us. However, some types of bacteria can develop plaque on our teeth, an invisible thin film which is impossible to detect just by looking at it. Without regular flossing and brushing of the teeth, the plaque can lead to the formation of infection, turning this early sign of gum disease into an actual problem. Plaque eventually turns into tartar, and it is much more difficult to remove tartar from the teeth and attracts more bacterial growth.
People With Increased Chance of Developing Infected Gum Around Tooth
People who are much more likely to form gingivitis and gum inflammation include the following:
– Pregnant women facing hormonal changes
– People who have diabetes
– Having crooked teeth in your mouth
– Consumption of tobacco products
– Genetic tendency to develop early-stage gingivitis
– Oral contraceptives
– Cancer treatment and epilepsy medication
– Calcium channel blockers
Symptoms Demonstrating Need for Gingivitis Dental Cleaning and Treatment
Each patient has their own set of symptoms when it comes to gingivitis. Some are common and can be easily picked up, while others are rare and may be difficult to identify. However, there are some gum infection symptoms that you should know as they tend to occur in most patients. It can be either one of these symptoms or a combination which could also be an indicator of the seriousness of the disease. Your dentist might also use these symptoms to decide the type of gum infection treatment you may require.
– Constant bad breath that stays even after maintaining consistently good oral hygiene
– Swelling and redness in your gums
– Easy bleeding of gums, especially when you are brushing your teeth
– Pain and tenderness in the gums, mostly felt when chewing food
– Hot and cold sensitivity to both beverages and foods
In case you find yourself showing any of these symptoms, you should get in touch with a good dentist like Laser Dentistry Near Me for effective treatment.
Types of Dental Plaque Treatments
Dentists can choose from multiple options when it comes to gum disease treatment. This depends entirely on the type and severity of the infection you are facing. Here are some of the treatment options you can expect to see to restore good oral health:
– Root planing and scaling of teeth to deep clean the tartar deposits completely and stop more bacteria from attaching.
– Antimicrobial mouthwash prescriptions to kill bacterial present in your mouth
– In case you catch gingivitis at an early stage, you may only be prescribed a thorough cleaning regimen for your teeth with no procedure or medication required.
– For more severe problems like advanced disease presence, the proper gingivitis cure prescribed could be dental restoration using fillings, crowns, or bridges.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if you have gingivitis?
Symptoms that can help you identify the presence of gingivitis include swollen and painful gums, bleeding, hot and cold sensitivity, and constant bad breath.
How quickly can you reverse gingivitis?
Most gingivitis cases can be cured fully in less than two weeks. However, severe cases may take longer to cure completely.
How do you know if gingivitis is getting worse?
Symptoms of gingivitis getting worse include frequent bleeding from gums, especially when brushing teeth, and constant bad breath even after cleaning teeth.
Concluding Oral Infection Symptoms and Treatment
Gingivitis is a disease no one wants to have but developing it is quite easy. However, with proper care, you can not only treat it quickly and effectively but also avoid it completely in most cases. Visiting a good dentist like Laser Dentistry Near Me in West Houston can help you effectively manage your oral health. You can contact them for treatment any time using their live chat feature or phone number. You can also book an appointment anytime through their online booking portal.